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Intel achieves full representation of minorities and women in US workforce


In 2015, Intel announced its plans to achieve full representation of underrepresented minorities and women in its US workforce by 2020. Two years ahead of schedule, the company has successfully achieved this goal, according to its 2018 diversity and inclusion report released on Monday (29 October).

A look through the report reveals how the representation of women, underrepresented minorities (URMs), Hispanics, African-Americans and Native Americans has grown in the US from 2015 to 2018:

  • The percentage of URMs represented increased by 17.7%, while that of African-Americans increased by 31.4%; as for Hispanics, representation increased by 10.8% from 2015; representation of Native Americans increased by 40% and the representation of women in total increased by 8.5%.
  • Overall, the changes in diversity increased 2.2% for URMs, 1.1% for African-Americans, 0.9% for Hispanics, 0.2% for Native Americans and 2.1% for women in total.

Overall, Intel owes this accomplishment to initiatives such as:

  • Pay equity: For more than a decade, the corporation has ensured a pay equity by gender and race/ethnicity and will continue to close any identified gaps, per the report.
  • Domestic partners: Intel is expanding the flexibility of its US health and welfare plans to include an eligible domestic partner and their eligible children, reflecting its focus on creating an inclusive environment.
  • Diverse-owned supply chain: Intel has grown its supplier diversity spending from US$150mn in early 2015 to US$650mn by the end of 2017. It is on track to achieve US$1bn in annual spending with diverse-owned suppliers and the related goal of US$100mn on women-owned businesses internationally, in 2020.

Intel also plans to improve women representation in the computing industry. As a founding member of the Reboot Representation Tech Coalition Report, which aims to close the gender gap in the tech sector, Intel and 11 other companies have pledged more than US$12 million to double the number of women of colour graduating with computing degrees in the US by 2025.

Photo / Intel

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