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Case study: Fostering an environment that prioritises wellbeing at Aberdeen Standard Investments

Apart from having a comprehensive wellness calendar, Aberdeen Standard Investments held its inaugural ASI Health & Wellness Day this year, with a host of activities from terrarium building to mass yoga sessions, shares Tay Kheng-Guet, Head of Human Resources – Asia Pacific, Aberdeen Standard Investments.

Aberdeen Standard Investments (Asia) is fully committed to providing employees with a work environment that supports their overall wellbeing.

Tay Kheng-Guet, Head of Human Resources – Asia Pacific, Aberdeen Standard Investments, says: “We have a corporate wellness strategy which is part of the APAC HR strategy on diversity and inclusion. The strategy emphasises fostering a work environment that prioritises employee wellbeing, valuing diversity, as well as building inclusion and social engagement. Broadening the perspective of wellness, there is also a talent and career development strategy which guides the development of employees.”

The APAC strategy has three prongs which include workplace support initiatives that aim to protect employees’ holistic wellbeing in the midst of changes and challenges through three aspects:

  • Agile working and flexible work arrangements which provide employees with flexible autonomy, allowing them to work smarter and more efficiently, which helps them to achieve a work-life balance.
  • Work-life coaches (employee assistance programmes) which is a confidential service aimed at assisting employees on issues that are work-related, personal, legal, financial, as well as in transitions. Employees can have access to five work-life coaching sessions per year across 10 APAC locations. Coaches can support the diverse language requirements in all locations as well.
  • Wellness initiatives that go beyond the usual health screenings.
On the wellness initiatives, Tay says:
We have a comprehensive wellness calendar in place for the whole year – covering monthly talks and activities in accordance with quarterly themes of heart (emotional wellness), mind (personal effectiveness), body (physical wellness) and spirit (mental wellness).
Apart from the monthly activities, on 31 July 2019, Aberdeen Standard Investments held its inaugural ASI Health & Wellness Day where a whole day was dedicated to celebrating employees’ wellbeing. Activities for the event included terrarium building, ergonomics awareness, aromatherapy sessions, and mass yoga conducted across three countries.

“The event is a summer interns-led wellness project aimed at supporting our ongoing effort to promote health and wellness. Our goal is to encourage all employees to prioritise and take charge of their health amid their busy schedules and achieve a work-life balance.”

A variety of activities were planned to educate and cater to individuals’ interests and needs – from an ergonomics talk addressing the importance of proper posture in alleviating common aches and pains resulting from prolonged sitting, to a yoga hour to help employees achieve mental wellness through mindful meditation.

“We also had a terrarium-making workshop with MINDS to reduce stress and sharpen mental focus; as well as an aromatherapy session to help employees understand the tremendous benefits in helping one to relax and improve their mood,” she adds.

This case study was published in Human Resources’ September-October 2019 edition of the Singapore magazine.

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