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Ask these 5 questions to reveal a candidate's true self


Finding the right candidate is one of the prime and challenging tasks for hiring managers as a bad hire often brings endless troubles to the team and the company.

But how can a HR professional determine whether someone is the right fit within a limited time during an interview? HR software provider BambooHR listed out five of the most useful interview questions that help HR reveal the true self of a candidate.

1. Describe a single project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career to date.

Past experience is a good indicator of future success. Asking candidates accomplishment-related questions allows them to showcase their own achievements and strengths, as well as helping you to learn more about their work ethic and ability to work with a team. Someone who cannot name a previous accomplishment might probably not be an ideal fit for your company.

2. When was a time you messed up?

Everyone makes mistakes. But the most important thing is how to correct and learn from them. The most undesirable employees are the ones who blame others for their own screw-ups. Ask this question to see if a candidate is humble and mindful of their own flaws.

3. Tell me about a time you failed. How did you handle it?

Failure is the mother of success. This question helps you understand how a candidate accepts and gets rid of failure.

4. What did you like and dislike about your previous job?

Candidates’ badmouthing their current or previous boss is the last thing hiring managers want to hear in a job interview. But this question helps shed light on what tasks a candidate prefers or not to do and will they stay in the role for the long term.

5. Do you have any questions for me?
The questions a candidate asks show what they are most concerned about as well as their personality and communication style. This can also reveal how prepared they are for the job.

READ ALSO: Interview questions to find the perfect candidate

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