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Unleash your inner Dragon: Your Chinese Zodiac predictions for 2024

Unleash your inner Dragon: Your Chinese Zodiac predictions for 2024


Learn more about what to expect for the rooster, dog, rabbit and more in the Year of the Dragon.

With Chinese New Year falling on 10 February 2024 (Saturday), and welcoming the year of the Wood Dragon, the HRO team put together the year’s predictions for your career and health, based on your zodiac animal.

As with all forecasts, please take these predictions with a pinch of salt!

Dragon (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036)


While it may not be a good career year for any Dragon, perseverance will be your key ally. Despite potential frustration in the workplace or hurdles in job-hunting, consider this period as an opportunity for personal growth and skill development. Those in business may face heavy losses this year but viewing them as stepping stones to future success can lead to resilience and eventual triumph. Embrace the journey, and trust in your ability to rise stronger from any setbacks.


Try to boost your health with regular exercise and a healthy diet, Dragon, and take care of your body to deal with possible emotional and mental health challenges of 2024. With that said, invest your time in unwinding. Yoga or meditation are some great ways to stay calm and not allow external forces to aggravate you further. Don’t tax your body anymore!

Fun fact about Dragons: Dragon people are usually courageous and fearless leaders who’ll never back down from any challenge.

Rat (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032)


Embrace an optimistic outlook for your career as a Rat in 2024 by being yourself. By embodying your dependable and hard-working team player qualities, anticipate your dedication being not only valued but also richly rewarded. For Rats seeking new opportunities, prepare for an offer beyond your wildest imagination compared to last year, ushering you into a fulfilling new office environment. Seize this chance to showcase your talents and make a lasting impact! Those already in their dream job are set to dazzle co-workers and employers, establishing themselves as proactive problem solvers. Expect well-deserved recognition, promotions, and substantial bonuses on the horizon. 


Eat well and nutritiously, and you may never have to worry about heartburn ever again. Rats like the comfort of home. But try to go out into nature more in 2024, which will boost body, spirit, and soul. Like all other aspects, exercise and be amazed by your own progress!

Fun fact about Rats: Rats are alert and sharp observers. They are especially great at being aware of their situations in life, always on the lookout for any opportunities that may not be readily visible to others.

Ox (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033)


The Ox may face career challenges in 2024, with a minor inauspicious aspect causing emotional fatigue and a dip in energy for work. This could lead to occasional errors and lacklustre performance, potentially adding pressure from management. Fortunately, the positive influence of "Tian De" will redeem you in this area, lending you much-needed professional help in the guise of a mentor or an understanding superior. By year-end, any setbacks are mitigated, ensuring that career progress remains intact. Stay optimistic as help is on the way for the Ox in navigating the challenges of 2024.


Stay out of dangerous situations and do look both ways when you cross the street, Ox! Normally, you have little to do much to maintain your health, but this year you would be well-served to work out and build up your physique to stave off minor ailments and discomforts in 2024. Go for a jog in the park, or for a hike to relax your stressed-out psyche in 2024 when surprises abound.

Fun fact about Oxen: Oxen are the hard workers in the background, intelligent and reliable, but never demanding praise.

Tiger (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034)


The Tiger may experience quite a number of setbacks in 2024, possibly encountering a bottleneck at the start of the year. Fortunately, your natural drive to succeed will kick in and accelerate your career into high gear. While you may not see the fruits of your labour just yet, rest assured you are gaining experience!

Although Tigers make wonderful entrepreneurs, this isn’t the year to strike out on your own. Instead, take the opportunity to learn and accumulate contacts for when that time comes.


It’s one thing to power through with willpower, Tiger, but quite another to push your body beyond its limit. Take special care of your digestion and respiration. Stay away from anything too spicy or heavy. For older Tigers, be mindful of nasty colds that never go away. Try to prioritise exercising when you have spare time.

Fun fact about Tigers: Tigers are courageous and active people who love a good challenge and adventure in life.

Rabbit (1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035)


In 2024, Rabbits may find it difficult to give work their all, either because they’re feeling scattered with worry or else too tired from the Tai Sui influence to focus on the tasks at hand. With that said, it is advised to leave other concerns out of their mind and always stay present. Another thing: it would be better to keep things to yourself – "friends" from work may end up turning on you.


Become a homebody this year, Rabbit. Get enough exercise and build a sturdier physique this year. With Tai Sui’s meddling, you may be more illness-prone this year, but nothing too troublesome is in the stars. What you can do is have regular check-ups and go see the doctor if anything feels off. Take care of your digestion, Rabbit, and be extra careful not to eat anything overly taxing on your system, and you will end the year in fine shape.

Fun fact about Rabbit: Those born in the Year of the Rabbit are elegant, imaginative, and courteous to others—even their enemies—because they hate any kind of conflict. Further, they possess a keen perception of reality, which makes them the ultimate adapters to the real world.

Snake (1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037)


You may be surprised to find yourself encountering a bottleneck at work as soon as the year opens, Snake, but this is an opportunity as well as a challenge, one that you can certainly overcome.

Snakes born in 1977 or 1989 must pay special attention and utilise your learning and experience from previous years to ensure a triumph. Once that happens, there’s no limit on how far you can go. When you’ve proven yourself, your advisors will appear to help you soar to greater heights. Remember to remain humble and grateful for those who contributed to your success.


There may be a point where you experience small health concerns that may disrupt the flow of your otherwise exciting year. Nothing too severe, but they could nonetheless pause you in your tracks upwards and onwards. Do not let this hinder you from having a great year, though! All you need to do is go outside more and absorb all the Vitamin D that your body craves. In that vein, keep your things close to you, and stay safe while you are outdoors.

Fun fact about Snakes: Snake people are sensitive, effective, and adaptable. Their positive personality is often complemented by a considerable intelligence. They are usually cool and calm, punctuated by occasional bouts of perfectly timed energy and passion.

Horse (1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038)


The year 2024 will bring many professional breakthroughs to Horse, especially those who were stagnating or even feeling hopeless in their career in previous years. Rest assured that this won’t be the case anymore. Celestial luck is on your side, Horse, but it’s also your hard work from before—do pat yourself on the back. What that means is don’t slack in 2024 because you’re building great momentum. Don't be surprised if you're suddenly tapped for an ultra-exclusive new company or project!


You are blossoming this year, Horse! Health wise, continue to nourish your body with enough food, ample rest, and do not stress too much. On the other hand, be wary of accidents, stemmed from potential carelessness.

Fun fact about Horses: Those born in the year of the Horse are outgoing and agreeable. They speak as quickly as they think and act, and they aren’t shy about showing off their talents and capabilities because to be falsely self-effacing wouldn’t be authentic.

Goat (1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039)


Goat’s career will likely be smooth sailing in 2024. But breakthroughs are available to you if you want to go after that big promotion or perhaps establish your own shop. It’s as easy as putting your knowledge and experience to good use. Take advantage of your popularity and leverage your network!


Your health is looking good, Goat, maybe try a gentle, slow-moving sort of sport, like yoga, hiking, or cycling in nature. You usually strike a good balance between alone time and socialising. This year, you can go out somewhat more than usual since you will be in such good spirits—everyone will want to be around you!

Fun fact about Goats: Goats are soft-spoken, elegant, and personable, meek on the outside yet strong and resilient on the inside. If anyone mistakes their docility as a weakness, however, Goats will be sure to deliver a rude awakening.

Monkey (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028)


Not bad at work this year, Monkey, but nothing spectacular, either. In fact, you’d be better served by putting your head down and doing your duties well instead of hoping for anything sudden or grand.

If you do that, you’ll find space for what you do best, Monkey—observe! That’s most likely the way opportunities will come to you this year.

This patience, if you manage it, could reward you toward the end of this year. Higher-ups have been taking notes of your performance for months, it seems, and they are ready to entrust you with more.


Your health may not be in the best shape this year, Monkey. Try to take care of your health by staying patient, nurse yourself back to health slowly and recover from any illnesses that may fall unto you. 

Fun fact about Monkeys: The Monkey is one of the most talented zodiacs, possessing a sharpness of mind that’s rivalled by none. They’re active, energetic, and intelligent, as well as sophisticated socially, integrating into any group without effort.

Rooster (1957,1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029)


Breathe easy this year, Roosters! You will excel naturally, and each time you put in your 110% effort—you being you—you will see a return in folds.

You might have felt lost last year, but with ample opportunity to prove your talent this year, Rooster, you could find a few well-appointed mentors who are ready to give guidance or even lend a helping hand.


Those born in the year of the Rooster are likely to enjoy good health in 2024. Just don't forget to eat and get enough sleep. Take care of the basic necessities that your body requires, Roosters. 

Fun fact about Roosters: Roosters are efficient and capable when the goings are good as well as when they are bad. In times of emergency, many look to them to keep their calm and immediately come up with the most appropriate measures.

Dog (1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030)


Your career could be hitting a major shockwave soon, Dog people!

Dogs are, in general, good at fulfilling tasks, although they’re less adept at looking at the trajectory of their career growth or of functioning without oversight. This is the area you can break through in 2024. Accept new challenges that present themselves to you at work, instead of doing the same thing you've always done. It will serve you well. 


Prioritise your physical & mental health, as well as maintain your work-life balance as much as you can. Make sure to give yourself time to unwind and put your 'me' time as a priority. Take up activities such as reading, traveling, walking in nature, or even doing yoga! Stay happy, stay relaxed.

Fun fact about Dogs: Those born in the Year of the Dog are friendly, fun-loving, and fiercely loyal to their friends and family, maintaining these relationships over a lifetime of sincerity. They are also compassionate, innocent, and romantic souls who possess a strong intuition to boot.

Pig (1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031)


There will be a few opportunities and breakthroughs here and there this year, Pig, but don’t expect anything transformative. As one of the most knowledgeable zodiacs, your skill and experience could be your golden ticket. Keep learning and adding to your toolkit because you want to be ready when the perfect opportunity comes along.

You are well-liked without much effort. Just make sure to keep staying knowledgeable and don't take your network for granted! 


Take up a leisurely sport this 2024 instead of your usual gym session! Golf or even hiking can allow you to spend time with friends, or even if you want to be alone, it is a perfect opportunity to be around nature and soak in your time to yourself. 

Fun fact about Pigs: According to Chinese horoscopes, Pig people are calm and cheerful, with the ability to speak and act with tact. They possess an unusual innocence and optimism, making them appear angelic and almost childlike, leading others to show their true selves.

 Forecasts adapted from Chinese New Year

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