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The three key Ps for business travellers

This article is brought to you by Far East Hospitality.

Constantly moving from one meeting to another, staying alert and being away from home – this is a business travellers’ life in a nutshell. In this feature, we share these road warriors’ key priorities and how serviced residences can help alleviate some of their stress factors.

The anxieties of travelling can be overwhelming, for anyone.

Jetlag, change in weather, language barriers – these are just some examples of travel stress. Add on the pressure of work to these and voilà – the life of a business traveller.

For these travellers, accommodation options that understand their specific needs can help to alleviate some of the tension. Whether these be staying in a one bedroom with a work area or having a kitchenette for home-cooked meals – business travellers value accommodations that provide them with the environment to focus on their work.

Here are the three key aspects road warriors care about the most during their trips.

Proximity – location, location, location

Long commutes to the next work meeting can be a pain, especially in an unfamiliar country. Rush hour may be at different hours and the public transport can be daunting.

This is why prioritising accommodation that is easily accessible is important.

At Far East Hospitality, we understand businesses in Singapore are no longer confined to the financial district and can also be located in the heartlands and the coasts. Our portfolio offers services island-wide to bring the accommodation to where they are which helps reduce guests’ struggles in commuting.


Productivity – no interruptions

Mundane tasks can add unnecessary hassle. Laundry, preparing breakfast, or tidying-up – these are simple tasks that can affect productivity.

For serviced residences, it is pivotal to offer services that help business travellers stay focused. High-speed Wi-Fi, housekeeping, and concierge services are necessities that help travellers stay connected at all times, reducing the likelihood of mundane everyday tasks from getting in the way.


Wherever the next journey may be, there are ways for the accommodation to create a smooth business trip. Understanding the travellers’ concerns and priorities are key to ensuring these road warriors have a less stressful trip.

For more information on Far East Hospitality’s collection of serviced residences, please visit www.StayFarEast.com/Serviced-Residences.

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