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Guidelines for domestic travel in Indonesia from 25 Aug 2022

Guidelines for domestic travel in Indonesia from 25 Aug 2022

Foreigners aged 18 years and above, who are travelling within Indonesian states and cities, must have received the second dose of vaccination before embarking on their journey.

Indonesia has released its guidelines for domestic travel in Indonesia, effective 25 August 2022.

Per an update on 28 August, domestic travellers are obligated to comply with the following health protocols:

  • Wear a three-ply cloth or medical mask covering the nose, mouth, and chin while indoors and in public;
  • Change masks regularly every four hours and dispose of waste masks in the places provided;
  • Wash hands regularly using water and soap or hand sanitiser, especially after touching objects touched by others;
  • Maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 metres from other people and avoid crowds, and
  • Do not communicate by phone or in person while on public transportation modes, including land, rail, sea, river, lake, ferry, and air.

Domestic travellers are required to comply with the following provisions:

  1. Travellers travelling by private or public vehicle are responsible for his/her own health, and are subject to compliance with the applicable terms and conditions;
  2. Travellers are required to use the PeduliLindungi application;
  3. Domestic travellers travelling by air, sea, and land transportation modes on private or public vehicles, crossings, and intercity trains to and from regions throughout Indonesia, must comply with the following provisions:
    • Received the third dose of vaccination (booster);
    • Domestic travellers who are foreigners aged 18 years and above, originating from overseas, must have received the second dose of vaccination;
    • Domestic travellers between six-17 years old must have received the second dose of vaccination;
    • Domestic travellers between six-17 year old who come from overseas are excluded from the vaccination mandate;
    • Domestic travellers under six years of age are exempted from vaccination requirements BUT must travel with adult companions who have met the vaccination requirements.
  4. Domestic travellers as stipulated in point c above are not required to show a negative RT-PCR or rapid antigen test result and can travel within the country by adhering to the health protocols;
  5. Domestic travellers with special health conditions or comorbid diseases that prevent them from receiving vaccinations are exempted from the vaccination requirements, BUT are required to present a doctor's certificate from a government hospital declaring that the person concerned has not and/or cannot take the COVID-19 vaccination.

The regulations stated in the points above do not apply to pioneering modes of transportation, including in border areas, underdeveloped areas (3T areas), and limited shipping.

It should be noted that it is also mandatory for everyone to download and use the PeduliLindungi app on mobile phones as a requirement to enter some public areas in Indonesia.

The above was published in Circular Letter No 24/2022 on Domestic Travels Amid Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic.

Lead image / Shutterstock

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