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Frameworks for trainers and employers launched in Malaysia

Malaysia's Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) yesterday launched two frameworks for trainers and employers - Trainer Development Framework and the Training Effectiveness Evaluation Framework.

According to the press release, this is part of the efforts to ensure on the training conducted under HRDF meets certain minimum standard.

The Trainer Development Framework is developed in partnership with associations of representing trainers, training providers and industry lead bodies to ensure the quality of HRDF certified trainers by setting a quality baseline to remain as an active HRDF trainer.

Whereas, the Training Effectiveness Evaluation Framework aims to help employers and training providers assess the effectiveness of training programmes. In a long run, this will help employers to identify high-quality HRDF training courses and schemes based on performance ratings, to enhance the overall quality and value of HRDF approved training courses.

These frameworks are part of the Fund's new Contestable Training Market initiative which is targeted to be introduced in 2020. The initiative is an online platform that will allow employers choose the training that best meets their needs in a cost-effective manner.

HRDF Chairman of the Board, Dato’ Noor Farida Mohd Ariffin said: "These frameworks under the Contestable Training Market initiative will create a level playing field for all training providers by offering information on the performance and quality of training courses, training providers and trainers. In return, clear and transparent requirements for accreditation of training providers and trainers will be identified."

The frameworks were launched by Dato’ Noor Farida in conjunction with HRDF Jom Latih Seminar 2019, themed 'Accelerating Learning'.

In her opening remarks, she said that to move upward, Malaysia must transform its business landscape to pivot towards the industrial revolution 4.0 and a digital economy to ensure the nation's economic success. Hence, economic growth must ensure that all Malaysians can participate meaningfully and the fruits of success are shared equitably.

Citing Budget 2020's focus on human capital development and IR 4.0, she added: "This shows how much importance the government is giving for training as we move towards IR 4.0 and how valuable training is in up-skilling employees who are the most valuable asset in future-proofing the economic transformation of Malaysia."

The seminar was held to ensure employers keep abreast with the latest products and services of HRDF and provide platform for HR personnel to connect with their counterparts. This initiative was supported by more than 300 participants which amongst are employers, training providers and individual trainers attended the Jom Latih Seminar 2019.

In his welcoming speech at the seminar, HRDF's Chief Executive, Elanjelian Venugopal, noted that "HRDF is targeting to train more than a million local employees this year (2019)."

He added: "Up-skilling and reskilling programmes may sound dry but these strategic and timely initiatives can bring HRDF even further in our mission to pave the way for Malaysians to acquire maintainable leadership through sustainable employers and employees as advocated in Vision 2030 recently by our honourable Prime Minister."

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Photo / iStock

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