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Are you harbouring germs on your work desk?

How often do you do a thorough clean on everything on your office desk? Including the keyboard, your phone, mouse, and the desk itself?

If your response is 'not at all', you are not alone. Based on a recent study in the UK, while 35% of the 650 workers surveyed had their desk cleaned everyday and 28% had it cleaned on a weekly basis, many seemed to neglect cleaning individual items.

Even more so, 9% only cleaned their desk monthly 11% revealed they didn't clean theirs at all.

Going deeper, the percentage of respondents who never cleaned individual items was as follows:

  • Computer mouse: 37%
  • Keyboard: 31%
  • Phones: 28%

A not-so-fun fact: With a lack of willingness to clean that phone on your desk, you're putting yourself close to a source of about 25,127 germs per square inch, which is, shockingly, 760% more than what the keyboard harbours (3,295 germs per square inch).

As such, the desk phone has become one of the dirtiest items surveyed, while the mouse was considered the cleanest of the three, with 1,676 germs per square inch.

Apart from this, the research also revealed data on staff satisfaction with washroom cleanliness, office pantry cleanliness, and more, reflected in the infographic below:



Lead image and infographic / provided

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