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67% of job seekers care about your diversity statistics

Competitive compensation and opportunities for development have often been cited as some of the best tools to attract talent, but more job seekers are now voicing their interest in what diversity is like at your company.

In fact, two-thirds of job seekers (67%) say a diverse workforce is an important factor when evaluating companies and job offers.

“That means that whether or not your company is interested in increasing its diversity, chances are that candidates are evaluating diversity when they research your company and during the interview process,” the survey, conducted by Glassdoor, stated.

The report found a diverse workforce is more important to minority groups.

More than 70% of women considered workforce diversity important, versus 62% of men. Diversity was also a key element for 89% of black respondents, 80% of Asians, and 70% of Latinos.

Perhaps this increased focus on diversity stems from more companies increasingly revealing information on their own diversity statistics. In the last year, companies like LinkedIn, Yahoo and Amazon have come forward with their low diversity figures, highlighting that more needs to be done to improve them.

In fact, the Glassdoor survey found job seekers are aware of businesses' needs to boost diversity, with 57% of people highlighting their company should be doing more. Just 14% think their company doesn't need to do more with diversity measures.

"Understanding what impacts jobs seekers when it comes to diversity is key to building an effective employer brand," Mariah DeLeon, Glassdoor vice president of human resources, said in a press release.

"However, your efforts to highlight diversity during the recruiting process must match your efforts to maintain a satisfied and diverse workforce. Your voice to recruits detailing your diversity efforts must mirror and promote the voice of employees who are key to showing how the workforce is comprised."

When we asked who at their company was in the best position to increase diversity, the top three answers were hiring managers (45%), the CEO (42%), and HR (40%).

“Interestingly, 23% of people said that employees themselves were responsible for increasing diversity, reinforcing the importance of employees as ambassadors of a company’s brand,” the survey said.

Diversity Glassdoor

Image: Shutterstock

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