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Roundup and photos: Training & Development Asia 2017, Malaysia

A conference takes sweat, determination, and hard work - the results of which are content and discussions that are valuable and relevant to an eager audience.

Human Resources is proud to organise Training & Development Asia 2017, Malaysia, the second edition of our annual L&D conference hosted this year at The Westin Kuala Lumpur on 15-16 August 2017. Catch all the highlights and photos here.

This year, we were honoured to have a senior, respected leader for our opening keynote, Datuk Mohd Nizom Sairi, deputy CEO (management), at Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM), to talk about the importance of reforms in building a strong organisation. Datuk Nizom is a familiar face in the nation, having been with IRBM for more than 32 years.

Most reforms in any organisation, he said, would have to come from the top. "A total transformation has to be from the leaders who have a transformative approach. They need to have the charisma to inspire the people around them towards the new objective that they are introducing."

Our next speaker was Prakash Chandran, president and CEO of Siemens Malaysia, the first-ever non-German president and CEO of Siemens Malaysia. He educated us on how L&D practitioners can influence others and collaborate effectively across boundaries, in order to drive change.

Chandran stressed on diversity being a key aspect for success with leadership. Pointing out that gender diversity is only one of the aspects of diversity, the other three in Siemens' lens are diversity in age, experience and culture. "In Siemens, we ensure a big cross-section of age differences in a team," he said.

[For photos from the conference, please visit our Facebook page]

The next speaker went in-depth into investing in learning and development in a slowing economy - John L.Y Kam, the co-founder and CEO of D Jungle People, a corporate training consultancy based in Kuala Lumpur. Two-thirds of Millennials plan to leave their organisations by 2020, Kam cited. "Then why invest in them? Or how can we get them to stick around longer so that we find returns on our investment?"

"The answer is that they are not loyal to organisations, but they are loyal to people. The training implications for L&D is that you have got to invest in managers, as they are the ones who will hold Millennials together in terms of mentoring, inspiring and coaching. Your managers are the secret to success!"

Citigroup’s wholly owned subsidiary in Malaysia, Citibank Berhad is in the safe hands of CEO Lee Lung Nien, a veteran Citibanker with 27 years of experience, who was the next speaker. "Training is not just HR's job, it is everyone's responsibility," Lee affirmed to the room full of L&D delegates.

"HR, you cannot do this by yourself, you need to sit down with your leadership team, come up with a proposal, and talk this through especially with your CEO," he said, adding that the best vision statement will still have problems if we don't know how to execute it.

We then moved into a panel discussion on the topic of building resilient organisations, moderated by Ling Hsern-Wei, head of learning and development, PwC. He was joined by panellists Sri Vidya Nadarajah, country human resources leader, General Electric; Bala Pomaleh, chief executive officer, IPG Mediabrands; and Dr Henry Yeoh, vice president, people and culture, Loob Holdings.



With that presentation, we came to the end of Training & Development Asia 2017, Malaysia. Human Resources would like to thank all speakers, panelists, moderators, and delegates for their support. We would also like to thank all sponsors and partners:

Gold Sponsors:

  1. D Jungle People


  1. Disprz
  2. Hearts&Minds
  3. Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute
  4. Thunderbird School of Global Management

Event Partners:

  1. Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)
  2. Melbourne Business School

Co-organiser: Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management (MIHRM)

All our media and association partners

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