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Dues are fixed and in relation to the time of the work agreement, under the 2023 regulations on social security for migrant workers released in March.
Earlier this month, Indonesia's Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah issued the Minister of Manpower Regulation (Permenaker) No.4 of 2023 Concerning Social Security for Indonesian Migrant Workers (pekerja migran Indonesia, or PMI).
The Permenaker was stipulated on 21 February 2023 and officialised on 22 February 2023. According to the Ministry, this Permenaker replaces Permenaker No.18 of 2018, which has been deemed as "no longer in accordance with developments and legal requirements."
As shared by the Minister, this latest Permenaker includes additional social security benefits that aim to improve protection and services for PMI, in the event of work accidents, death, or old age. The minister added that there was no fixed increase in the amount of work accident insurance (JKK) and death insurance (JKM) contributions, which stand at IDR370,000 for a 24-month work agreement.
Similarly, the amount of contributions for old age security (JHT) remains in accordance with the choice of prospective PMIs, between IDR50,000 and IDR600,000.
An excerpt of the benefits in this latest Permenaker:
- JKK programme:
- Health services,
- Compensation in the form of money,
- Mentoring, and
- Vocational training prospective PMIs or existing PMIs who experience partial anatomical disabilities and/or partial functional disabilities due to work accidents.
- JKM programme:
- Death benefits,
- Periodic compensation,
- Funeral expenses, and
- Educational or training scholarships awarded for protection during employment.
- A new social security benefit programme:
- Financial assistance to prospective PMIs or existing PMIs who experience acts of physical violence and rape,
- Financial assistance and reimbursement of ticket costs to PMI placed not in accordance with the placement agreement,
- Assistance money to PMIs who have been laid off unilaterally, and
- Assistance with care and medical expenses due to work accidents in the destination country, according to the costs incurred with a maximum of IDR50,000,000.
In total, the benefits under the 2023 edition cover 21 risks, up from 14 covered in the 2018 edition.
In line with the above, the Ministry has shared a couple of infographics illustrating the proper calculation method for the updated migrant worker protection dues.
Dues are fixed and in relation to the time of the work agreement.
Before working in the destination country
Work accident insurance (JKK) + death insurance (JKM): IDR37,500.
This remains the same as the previously fixed amount of IDR37,500, per the Ministry's Permenaker No.18 of 2018.
It should be noted that the maximum period of protection before working is five months. If the worker has not left for the destination country after a period of five months, the worker will register for protection prior to work by paying back the dues before working.
During and after work
Under the Ministry's Permenaker No. 4 2023, the calculation of the JKK and the JKM is based on the work agreement time period.
- Six months: IDR108,000
- 12 months: IDR189,000
- 24 months: IDR332,500
Any additional period of time is valued at IDR13,500 per month. Initially, the amount was set at IDR332,500 for 24 months per Permenaker No. 18 2018.
The maximum period of protection during work is 25 months with:
- a maximum of 24 months in the destination country; and
- up to one month at the time for preparation of return in the destination country.
Workers will get additional protection for working for a maximum of one month after registration and payment of dues, until the worker leaves for the destination country, in the form of JKM programme benefits.
Lead image / Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia
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