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Are these the signs someone is about to get fired?

For human resources professionals, one of the toughest tasks is to inform members of staff their services are no longer required. To help employees sense the danger early, the team at YesNews has compiled a list of eight signs employees should look out for when trying to figure out if their jobs are safe.

Do you agree that the signs below are the writing on the wall, indicating someone is about to be jobless?

1. Assigned the mission impossibleThis a common tactic used by management to get rid of an employee. Giving someone an extremely difficult task often frustrates them and could provoke them to resign.

2. Reduced workloadThere is a common Japanese saying describing employees who are not assigned the big jobs as "employees by the window" (窗邊族). If an employee is given less and less to do and therefore spending more time staring out the window, he or she may be on their way out.

3. Access deniedThe IT department never seems the most efficient in fixing computers, but they are ultra-quick when it comes to deleting accounts of employees who are about to get fired. They are so good at doing this, that sometimes employees are not able to log in to their computer anymore before the redundancy notification letter has even reached their desks.

If you come into the office one day and find that you are not able to log in to your computer - sorry, you are fired.

4. The boss is ignoring you The boss is talking to your subordinates instead of you about business matters. It might be your subordinate trying to undermine you, but if that's not the case, it means the boss has lost trust in you.

5. Breathing down one's neckIt is never a good sign when the boss is always chasing you for updates on work progress and asking where you have been. The boss might not be looking to fire your right away but you're clearly not giving a good impression.  

6. Not involved in decision making The boss not getting you involved in any decision making processes is a clear sign that you are no longer valued by the organisation.

7. Repeated warning from the bossIf the boss has voiced more than once he or she is not happy with your performance or has requested the human resources department to issue warning letters, it is safe to assume your days at the organisation are numbered.

8. Making the company lose moneyThis is a no-brainer. No organisation will want to keep a staff member around who's causing damage to the business.

ALSO READ: 13 signs someone is about to quit

Photo/ 123RF

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