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A day in the life of: Sameet Kaur Sidhu, Experian

Sameet Kaur Sidhu, Talent Acquisition Manager – Global Delivery Centre (Malaysia), Experian, takes us through a typical Monday, which starts and ends with her two young sons, and her daily task list.

Q What gets you out of bed every morning?

It’s actually two things – my four and six-year-old boys who are incredibly early risers! Aside from the kids, it’s knowing that I have a chance at another day – both personally and professionally. Sometimes it is the anxiety of a heavy workday, or impending deadlines, and other times it will be knowing I can spend some of my day hanging out with like-minded individuals who inspire me.

Q What’s on today’s task list at the office?

It’s the start of the week, and like many HR professionals, I have it jam-packed. Today, I have a new team member joining so it will be some overviews on brand and culture, followed by a good team lunch with the extended HR group.

I usually spend some time on Mondays reviewing the reports on our open positions, movement and closures on roles, and any big-ticket items to re-prioritise for the week. Although my calendar is quite set for the week, I do jump into ad hoc discussions in between to match the pace and urgency from our various business units.

Q What’s for lunch?

I generally enjoy working lunches, it’s a good opportunity to check in with some folks from the business. I am quite conscious of my time at work, so I will try my best to slot in as many meetings during the work day. But at times it really helps to just shut down, and walk across the street, including a decent mamak, mixed rice, and other ethnic delicacies. My favourite is usually pelita nasi kandar, and I’m so lucky to have some colleagues who can tapau for days when I work through.

Q Back to work: what’s on the agenda, and how do you manage your time?

Lunch is followed by an afternoon of reviews and meetings with business stakeholders on their growth requirements. The day usually ends with check-ins with the UK team. The rest of the thinking and emails happens later at night at home, as I usually leave work on time to catch the kids.

Q Who is your role model in or outside of work, and why?

At work, I am blessed to have a strong woman leader who inspired me to return to work for Experian, and working with her I now aspire to manage the balance I see her handle both at work and at home. Chua Chai Ping is a known name in the Malaysia HR fraternity. As a mother, wife, leader and friend she demonstrates compassion and discipline in her ways which is a great inspiration for aspiring leaders.

I appreciate how she sees her role as someone who provides the runway and air cover for her team to learn, grow and thrive and within that provides a true sense of psychological safety for me and others to trial new methods, and partnerships to deliver great business results.

Outside of work, I have a few past colleagues who continue to motivate and encourage me as I continue my journey of growth. My biggest role models are certainly my parents – possibly because I have seen their struggles and celebrations closely, and recognise the efforts and sacrifices they have placed in getting me and my sisters to where we are today. As an adult and parent now, I recognise what they have done for us, and the decisions they have taken to catapult us to our current lifestyles and joys.

Q It’s the end of the long workday - what’s your favourite way to end it?

I love to end the workday with a good chat, and I find myself drawn to certain few individuals in which a short phone conversation will be enough to place me in good spirits.
It’s nice to share and get perspectives of how your days and weeks unfold, and I strongly believe in the power of matched mindset and cumulative company or networks. The favourite will always be bedtime with the kids. We don’t read as much, to be honest, but I do take the last 30 mins of the night before they sleep to share our favourite parts of the day.

This is a ritual I started last year to invoke a sense of gratitude for me personally, and then also get my kids to start thinking about what they experienced throughout their day. It started off with their favourite part of the day being the lunch they had, or playtime, but last week my older one warmed my heart by saying his favourite part of the day was when I came home early and was able to take him out to for our solo chats and yummy babycino!

To all our CHRO friends: We'd love for a sneak peek at what motivates you, your favourite lunch menu, how you manage your time - anything that completes your day. If you're keen to share, do reach out to Priya Sunil at priyas@humanresourcesonline.net

Photo / provided

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