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10 funny interview questions


How to ask the best interview questions to find out the true self of a candidate has been well discussed. However, good interview questions don’t have to be serious and challenging. Sometimes, asking no-right-or-wrong questions in a carefree way may help hiring managers to get to know a candidate as a person and how the candidate think through problems and approach abstract situations.

Glassdoor has recently posted an article sharing some of the funny questions that have been asked in interviews across industries around the world. Maybe you can save them for your next interview.

1. If you turned around and in the doorway was a penguin with a mustache, wearing a big sombrero and poncho, what do you think the penguin would say? -Medical School Resident

2. What’s your spirit animal? -Government Employee

3. If a lion and a tiger fought, who would win and why? -Lawyer

4. How do you fit a giraffe in a fridge? -Lawyer

5. If you were a movie character, who would you be and why? -Network Administrator

6. What would you want your title to be when you retire? -Engineer

7. When was a time you lied and got away with it? -Flight Attendant

8. If you don’t get this job what’s your backup plan? -Sales Rep

9. Would you be comfortable working in a hospital, since you were born in one? -Social Worker

10. What would you name this painting and why (Referencing an abstract painting on the wall)? -Insurance Underwriter

READ MORE: 10 challenging questions to ask candidates


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