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The coolest out-of-office email responses we've seen this month


With Eid around the corner, many of us are getting ready for the festive weekend ahead. In the meantime, the team here at Human Resources has received a number of out-of-office auto replies all through the month, in response to our invitations for magazine interviews, speaking opportunities, and more.

In a nod to their creativity, we've rounded up some of our favourites below:

[all responses have been edited to maintain privacy, and for brevity]

1. This one, who gets 10/10 for honesty

"I am currently out of the office on vacation.

I know I’m supposed to say that I’ll have limited access to email and won’t  be able to respond until I return – but that’s not true. My smartphone will be with me and I can respond if I need to. And I recognise that I’ll probably need to interrupt my vacation from time to time to deal with something urgent.

That said, I promised my family that I am going to try to disconnect, get away and enjoy our vacation as much as possible. So, I’m going to experiment with something new. I’m going to leave the decisions in your hands:

· If your email truly is urgent and you need a response while I’m on vacation, please resend it to

· Otherwise … If  you want to make sure your message gets a response ASAP when I return, please send it again on xxx 2018."

2. When you've got your priorities in order

"I will be away from my desk to attend THE training of all trainings - Motherhood!

I'll be back on xxx 2018 still sleep deprived but with a 100% new perspective on life!

Wish me luck!"

3. Our colleagues from Marketing Magazine brought their A game

"Greetings, dear sender!

Your email is important to me.

Unless, of course, you are a Nigerian prince who just inherited his father's fortune and need me to open a Nigerian bank account with at least $100,000 in it to qualify as a foreign recipient of the funds.

I am currently on holiday, and apologise that I am not able to respond to your email immediately. I will return on xxx refreshed, reinvigorated, and 3 kilogrammes heavier.

In my absence, you may contact my friendly, capable and unfortunate colleagues xxx."

4. Don't you love the straightforwardness?

"Dear Sender,

Please be informed that I have left the Company and will no longer be able to view and reply to you.

Thank you."

5. Bookmarking this format for my own auto-responders

"Dear Sender,

Thank you for your e-mail.

( ) Business trip ( ) Workshop/training/Meeting/Seminar - offsite meeting (X) Annual Leave ( ) Medical Leave ( ) Public Holiday

Emails may ( ) Not be read and forwarded (X) Be read from time to time only ( ) Be read and forwarded from time to time

Thank you and have a nice day."

6. And finally, this is how you master the art of upward delegation


I will be on annual leave on xxx 2018.

For urgent matters, please contact our CEO, xxx.

Thank you."

If you've got a couple of creative out-of-office messages to add to the list, please send them over at

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