TAFEP Hero 2024 Oct
Thailand's Ministry of Finance launches 'Learn to Earn' programme for youth

Thailand's Ministry of Finance launches 'Learn to Earn' programme for youth

This initiative is one of four key steps in the country's Zero Dropout initiative, intending to reintegrate 1mn out-of-school children and youth by 2027.

The Thai Cabinet approved extensive measures as part of the Thailand Zero Dropout initiative as of 28 May 2024, with the aim to reintegrate 1,000,000 out-of-school children and youth by 2027.

In a press release by the Equitable Education Fund (EEF), Deputy Government Spokesperson Karom Polpornklang outlined four essential steps of this ambitious plan.

Identifying out-of-school children and youth through inter-ministerial data integration

Data from the Ministry of Education (MOE), Ministry of Interior (MOI), and other relevant bodies will be integrated. 

Furthermore, the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (MDES) will lead this effort, and will be supported by the MOI, MOE, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS), and Ministry of Public Health (MOPH)

In addition, a national committee of experts and representatives from these agencies will be established to oversee the long-term development of a central information system for effective data integration and search.

Providing tailored support

Inter-agency collaboration will track, assist, refer, and support out-of-school children and youth, ensuring tailored assistance in education, health, development, living conditions, and social circumstances. 

Provincial committees, led by provincial governors, will manage integrated area-based education, with local operational centres, known as “Sub-District Equitable Education Centres,” providing grassroots support, all overseen by local administrative organisations at the sub-district or municipality levels. 

This effort will involve the following: 

  • MOI
  • MOE
  • MOPH
  • Equitable Education Fund (EEF) Thailand

Offering flexible and quality education tailored to each child and youth’s potential

Flexible curricula with accreditation or equivalency certification will be developed for formal, non-formal, and informal education, tailored to each child and youth's potential.

Local organisations, religious bodies, private enterprises, civil society groups, and communities will adapt informal education to local needs. 

Partnerships with private enterprises will promote work-integrated learning, developing vocational skills that match labour market needs while providing supplementary income during education. 

MOE, MDES, MOI, Ministry of Labour (MOL), private educational institutions, and other stakeholders will lead these efforts.

Encouraging private sector involvement

The “Learn to Earn” programmes will implement work-integrated learning for children and youth aged 15-18, encouraging entrepreneurial involvement through tax incentives. 

The Ministry of Finance (MF) will facilitate this effort, alongside efforts by the MOL to involve private enterprises in organising education integrated with work.

Deputy Government Spokesperson Karom Polpornklang said: “The Thailand Zero Dropout initiative will pilot in 25 provinces, targeting the reintegration of 20,000 out-of-school children and youth back into flexible education in the fiscal year 2024. 

"The goal is to reach 500,000 in the fiscal year 2026 and achieve a cumulative target of 1,000,000 by 2027, fulfilling our set objectives,” said the statement.

READ MORE; College of Asian Scholars launches second Vietnamese studies centre in Thailand

Lead image / EEF

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