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Malaysia's Private Employment Agencies (Amendment) Act to be enforced next month

The Private Employment Agencies (Amendment) Act 2017 in Malaysia will be enforced from February 1, Bernama reports.

The act, aimed to protect local workers who gain employment abroad through private employment agencies, would be enforced by the Human Resource Ministry through the Labour Department, according to Human Resource Minister Datuk Seri Richard Riot.

Passed on August 14, 2017, the amendment bill would further increase the government’s ability to regulate recruitment activities of private employment agencies.

The amendments also include the classification of licenses under three categories: License A, for the recruitment of local job-seekers within Malaysia; Licence B, for placement of local job-seekers within and outside Malaysia as well as for placement of foreign domestic servants in Malaysia; and License C for recruitment of Malaysians or foreigners for jobs within and outside Malaysia.

ALSO READ: Malaysians’ biggest worries include unemployment and foreign workers

Minister Riot said there would be a transition period of six months, from 1 February to 30 July, allowing the 1,202 private employment agencies nationwide to continue recruiting and conducting job placements until the expiry of their licences without being subjected to the revised guarantee bond.

The minister also added that a briefing would be held this month for private employment agencies, to explain the revised procedures and conditions under these amendments.

Photo / 123RF

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