Learning & Development Asia 2024 Singapore
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Four ways to millennial-proof your learning programme


Is managing the millennial a myth? Nowadays, there are many polarised views towards this new workforce. Some pigeon-hole them as lazy, while some Gen X feel like they are being squeezed out. There are also leaders who see the millennial no different to other generations, when they were young.

One thing for sure, millennials are ambitious. When they find the purpose of an action, they put their best foot forward. Here are some tips on how to millennial-proof your L&D programme:

1. The demand for leadership training

Less than half of millennials are dissatisfied with their company's programmes, while 80% agree that on-the-job training from their employer is crucial to help them perform at their best.

In fact, the average age of a manager is 30 but most typically, their first management training starts at 42.

HR practitioners should consider starting leadership training earlier, and most importantly, ensure that the programme is of high quality.

2. Shifting approach from top-down to self-directed learning

The traditional learning management system, employers' usual option, is undoubtedly clean and simple, but it lacks something important: Empowerment.

Modern learning management strategies should combine formal and informal training to empower the millennial.


3. The tech element

Research has shown millennials check their devices up to 150 times a day. They are accustomed to having the solution the moment a challenge arises. The accessibility of a learning platform determines the success of your programme.

A modern learning system should make learning available during business travel, at home, while commuting, or at the office.

4. Understanding the millennial's urge to move up the ladder

Millennials seek mobility. Learning programmes are expected to empower them move their career in a lattice framework, rather than the traditional career path. If HR leaders can take that into account, companies could expect a 16% decrease in turnover and 40% increase in revenue.

Source: Association for talent development 

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