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Malaysia's Ministry of Human Resources recently released a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs), with regard to the standard operating procedures in place for workplaces.
This set of FAQs relates to the daily report that employers and HR are supposed to submit on their respective COVID-19 prevention programmes at work. Details include how often the report has to be filled in, key elements of the report, actions to be taken if the report is not filled out daily, and more, shared below.
FAQs on the daily reporting of COVID-19 prevention at workplaces
Q1 Does the Daily Report need to be filled daily?
Yes, every day for the workplace.
Q2 How long does it take to fill out this Daily Report?
It takes about 10 minutes.
Q3 Does every branch of the workplace need to fill out this Daily Report?
Yes, one Daily Report is required for each branch.
Q4 What is the purpose of this Daily Report?
This reporting is one of the ways to ensure employers comply with the Economic Sector Reopening SOP. This is also in accordance with the requirements of Section 15 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, which is the responsibility of employers as far as practical to ensure the safety, health and welfare of their employees.
Q5 What are the economic sectors covered under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1994?
The economic sectors covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1994 are:
- Manufacturing
- Construction
- Mining and quarrying
- Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
- Electrical, gas, water and sanitation services
- Transportation, storage and communication
- Wholesale and retail trade
- Hotels and restaurants
- Finance, insurance, real estate and business services
- Public services and statutory authorities
Q6 What are the key elements contained in this daily report?
The main elements of COVID-19 prevention contained in this report are:
- Employer requirements for the COVID-19 information dissemination programme
- Symptom screening and body temperature at premise entrance
- Social distancing
- Use of protective equipment
- Provision of handwashing facilities including hand sanitisers
- Work sanitation/disinfection process and vehicle carrying workers
- Safety aspects of chemical use
- Ensuring good air circulation in the workplace
- COVID-19 screening test on foreign workers for relevant sectors
- Record keeping
- Contact tracing.
Q7 How do we fill out this Daily Report?
The Daily Report should be made available online through this link.
If the company is NOT registered with the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI):
Follow the listing procedure set out by MITI. The MITI will issue a Notice of Operation to the company registering with it. In the 'SOP Compliance Daily' menu on the webiste, select the 'List New Reports' button. Then, complete the questions related to the COVID19 prevention programme that appear and end by pressing the 'Submit Report' button.
The Daily Report for that day is then complete.
If the company is already registered with MITI:
Upon successfully logging in, go to the SOP compliance report menu and click on the 'List New Reports' button. Then, complete the questions related to the COVID19 prevention programme, and end by pressing the 'Submit Report' button. The report is then complete.
Q8 My company has registered with MITI to operate and is given a reference number. But my company has several branches. Can I use the same reference number across?
You can. Please complete the information on questions A5, A6 and A7 for each branch of the company.
Q9 What kind of workplace is prohibited from operating during the CPPB period?
The latest list of places where work is prohibited can be found on the Prime Minister's Department's (JPM) website.
Q10 What action can be taken if the employer does not fill out this daily report?
The department will conduct a random check and if the workplace is found to have not submitted this Daily Report, action will be taken including the following:
- Verbal instructions
- Written instruction
- Proposal to the police or Ministry of Health to take action under the Infection and Disease Control Act 1988 (Act 342)
- Legislative action under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994.
Q11 How will employers benefit by completing this daily report?
Helping employers make quick checks on a daily basis is a key element of prevention of the COVID-19 outbreaks they should implement. This is also in line with the concept of self-regulation in which employers with full control over the workplace, take action to identify, evaluate and control the safety and health risks to their employees.
Q12 Can a daily report be sent for back-dated days?
You can't. Daily Reports must be completed and submitted on the same day.
Q13 Who can contact if there are any issues related to this Daily Report?
Any issues can be addressed as follows:
COVID-19 Precautionary Measures
Telephone contact: 03-8871-1247
Online system CIMS
Telephone contact: 03-8318-7742
Photo / iStock
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