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#RA2017 questions answered: Karin Clarke, director global solutions APAC, KellyOCG

We continue our series of Q&As with speakers from Recruitment Asia 2017, Malaysia, that took place on 31 Oct-1 Nov and produced by Priya Veeriah. Today, we speak to Karin Clarke, director global solutions APAC, Kelly Outsourcing and Consulting Group (KellyOCG).

Clarke’s presentation on HR as a forward-thinking business value proposition sparked the following questions from the participants:

Q: Is there really a talent shortage or is it that our hiring requirements and standards have risen, given the change in value propositions?

I do believe there is a genuine talent shortage – however the type of skills required is changing and the ability to build relationships and communicate across regions is definitely driving some of the shortages. Simply put, the production of “talented” high value employees is not as fast as technology and needs are being developed.

Q: Psychometric assessment is a scary word for many people. How would you promote the utilisation of recruitment tools to our HR or recruiters?

Psychometric assessments are excellent tools to highlight the strengths and areas for development into how to best manage an individual and how to motivate potential employees.

They are a great tool to support other recruitment activities, and serve to provide some insight into work preferences and how people approach work and learn.

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Q: In your opinion, what is the greatest impact of the talent shortage?

The education system is struggling to produce graduates with the skills needed by business, and the speed in which new skills and jobs are being created is faster than what the university system can produce. This is singularly the biggest challenge for the education sector going forward.

Don't miss the responses from the rest of the conference speakers. Other speakers who have provided solutions to questions raised in the conference include Dato ‘Aliyah Karen, CEO, MAA Medicare Charitable Foundation, and Bee Hong Tan, head of HR, Alcon Manufacturing.

If you would like to provide any additional feedback on the conference, please write to privav@humanresourcesonline.net.

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