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Are those in senior roles sleeping too little? A survey says the opposite

Are those in senior roles sleeping too little? A survey says the opposite


According to the results, CEOs sleep the most – 70% sleep for seven or more hours each night, and 77% agree they get enough sleep.

The more senior role you hold, the more responsibilities you may find on your shoulders. However, does this mean that you will sleep less at night? Seemingly not, according to a recent survey by Expert Reviews.

Sampling 4,270 adults in the UK in November 2023, the survey findings highlighted that the more senior a role, the more sleep that person tends to get – until they become a business owner.

According to the results, CEOs sleep the most – 39% more than managers, 24% more than directors, and 36% more than those with no managerial responsibilities.

More than two-thirds (70%) of CEOs meet or exceed the recommended sleep duration of seven or more hours each night, and 77% agree they get enough sleep.

The situation, however, was reversed in the role of business owners, who were found to receive the least amount of sleep, with just 60% reaching seven or more hours per night. What’s worse, only 45% agreed that they get enough sleep.

Level of role
Agree that they get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is good for physical health, and a 2023 study by UCL suggested that naps can improve mental performance, meaning good quality sleep could play a pivotal role in improving performance at work. But some people may need less sleep than others, and there is no set rule. So how many hours of sleep are enough for you?

ALSO READ: Navigating and thriving through stress: A how-to guide to a balanced mind & body

Lead image/ 123rf.com

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